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Anastasia Azure – Weaving the Unexpected

Weaving Fascinating Objects with Traditional Methods and Contemporary Materials


Anastasia weaves with wire and non-traditional materials, such as monofilimant and plastics to create stunning and unusual jewelry and sculpture.  She will teach a pre-conference workshop on Weaving with Unusual Materials, and a conference workshop on Woven Metal Jewelry.  aazure2

Anastasia breaks away from tradition materials in her weaving to create stunning sculpture and jewelry from wire and other non-traditional materials.  This exciting artist and teacher blends methods and ideas from the disciplines of weaving, jewelry making, and mathematics in her unique designs.

Anastasia’s work was recently featured in the publication Fiber Arts Now. She holds a masters degree from the Rhode Island School of Design and currently lives in Providence.

Pre-conference Workshop: Weaving With Unusual Materials
Conference Workshop: Woven Metal Jewelry

Learn more about Anastasia Azure at her website: