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Want to join CHT?
CHT is TEXAS WEAVING. We are committed to bringing the weavers of Texas together in building the community of weaving, spinning, and fiber arts through our workshops, conferences, and newsletter.
Join us NOW and receive theses benefits:
- Full voting status at the Biennial Members Meeting;
- 4 beautiful, information-packed, newsletters per year with woven samples; and access to online archive of newsletters and samples;
- Eligibility for scholarships to attend workshops and/or conferences, including the CHT conference;
- Priority Art Camp registration;
- Priority Conference Registration;
- Participation in Conference exhibits, including the Members Exhibit and Fashion Show. (Even if you don’t attend the conference, you can show your work in the exhibits)
- Membership roster;
- And, best of all, access to a wonderful network of talented, like-minded people.
Membership Policies
Current membership for the 2023 – 25 cycle is $40 and is valid from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025. Membership fees are not prorated for the period – we encourage everyone to join early in membership cycle.
In addition to renewing online, we offer the option for all members to include their $40 membership renewal fee with their Biennial Conference registration.
(If you did not attend the 2023 conference, your membership renewal was due by July 1, 2023. Expired members may re-join at any time.)
See an example of the handwoven sample you will receive with each quarterly newsletter: click here
If you have any questions about your membership status, please contact our Membership Chair.
Please note: Dues now cover a two-year span, from one Conference- year to the next Conference, in odd-numbered years. Dues are not prorated during the membership period.