Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
Helen Keller
Why volunteer at CHT Conference or Art Camp?
It’s fun and it will enhance your experience! You get to know people with an interest in weaving from all over the state and beyond. It is interesting to find out what is going on in other guilds across the state, and down the road, maybe you will want to take a workshop offered by another Texas guild or visit a new friend – it’s always good to see familiar faces.
Since CHT is an all volunteer organization with a small board and committees, we can always use a hand to carry out the spectacular events and classes and run the operations so that it is a great Conference or Art Camp for everyone.
We take the guesswork out of volunteering. We work with individual volunteers and their schedules to make sure you still get to your workshops and classes.
When you register for your Art Camp or Conference classes, please let us know you are willing to help by checking the item, “Yes, I am willing to be a volunteer.”
What are volunteer roles and responsibilities?
Class Angel
Class Angels provide assistance to our workshop and seminar leaders. The volunteer time will coincide with a class you are enrolled to take.
Duties include:
- Arriving 20 minutes early to assist the instructor and possibly at the end of class to help move items.
- Taking roll. Class roster will be provided during registration.
- Collecting class fees.
- Running a brief errand for the instructor.
- If there are any issues, report to the conference chair.

Instructor Ambassador
Curbside Unloading and Loading Help:
Help our instructors unload at the start of conference and pack vehicles at the end of conference. You may be asked to either help set up the class room or move items to a storage area.
Meal Hosts @ Conference:
Sponsor an instructor’s meal during the conference. Show true Texas hospitality and get to know one of our instructors better. This may be an individual or group assignment.
Transportation @ Conference:
Help with providing transportation for instructors to and from the airport.
Meals and Social Events
@Conference – Volunteers are needed at meals to take tickets and help with door and raffle prize winners at Conference. They will need to report to the meal venue 15 minutes prior to the door opening. They will be able to join their group at the start of the meal.
@Art Camp, help with handing out prizes, and help put up and take down any demo items.

Exhibits Support @ Conference
Members’ Exhibits:
- Help the Exhibit Chairs during the Exhibit hanging
- Act as Judge’s scribe
- Monitor the Exhibits when open
- Provide help during Take-down and check-out
Fashion Show:
- Help the Fashion Show Chair during Staging and Dressing
- Judge’s scribe
- Model items in the Fashion Show
- Provide help during take-down and check-out
General Support
Exhibit Docents @ Conference
Volunteers will remain in the Exhibit Areas (Members’ Exhibit, Teachers Exhibit, Fashion Show Exhibit) to assure that exhibited pieces are not handled or removed. Volunteers will also help identify where the Member’s Choice voting ballet box is located. Or if gloves are provided ensure that they are worn.
Help is needed at all times the exhibit is open. Shifts are generally for 1 hour.
Vendor Hall Angels @ Conference
Volunteer is a floater in the Vendor Hall. You may be asked to offer mini breaks to the vendors, direct shoppers, or assist with a brief errand, if the need arises.
CHT Table Support @ Conference
The volunteer will staff the CHT Table where we display the Raffle Baskets and sell tickets. Shifts are 1 hour long.
Registration Table
Help is needed at the Registration during our busiest arrival times to hand out materials and answer questions.