Dear Texas Weavers, Spinners, Dyers, Felters, and Artists of All Things Fiber,
There are two current Calls for Entry for Texas Fiber Art.
Submit your art; show off your talents!!
SEAD Gallery, Bryan, Texas
Fiber Artists of San Antonio (FASA)
SEAD Gallery , Bryan Texas, announced “Intersections,” their first juried fiber arts show! Deadline to enter images, labels and fees: August 14, 2017.
SEAD Gallery wants to showcase the best fiber arts Texas has to offer. Works selected will include textiles rooted in traditional and contemporary approaches to fiber art. Open to artists working in: all types of materials, 2D, sculpture, video and installation art. Techniques include but are not limited to: weaving, quilting, knitting, sewing, dyeing, felting, needlework, lace making, basketry, beading. Artists may enter up to 5 pieces of art into the show.
Information about submitting an entry and important dates is located on the website at:
Juror: Amie Edelman, Associate Professor and Fibers Coordinator at UNT. Adelman has conducted textile research in over 10 countries and has been exhibiting artwork nationally and internationally for 20 years. Her artwork has been published in numerous books and in a variety of journals such as American Craft, Fiberarts, Fiber Arts Now and Surface Design.
Fiber Artists of San Antonio (FASA) hosts an annual highly regarded juried show. This year entries will be accepted beginning August 1 – Sept 4, 2017
Any artist working in fiber; collaborations are eligible. Artwork must have been completed in the last two years and not selected by a juror for a previous FASA Annual Exhibit. Entries should be of original design and execution with a fiber component; art produced in an instructor guided workshop or using a kit are not eligible. 3D art, free standing art, and wearables are acceptable; artist must provide dress or other special display form if needed. All selected entries must remain on display for the entire duration of the exhibit.
Entry Form, Rules and other important information located at:
Juror: Doshi, Encinitas, CA. Doshi is a costume designer who is identified by her creation of the fabric for her costumes through dyeing, printing, discharging and otherwise manipulating the fabric surface. She also is a professor of Costume Design at California State University Long Beach. For more information please visit her website at
Do you know of other Calls for Texas fiber art? Let us know at so we can share.